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Artist Bio

Julia Langer is an American artist living in France. After studying visual arts at Sarah Lawrence College in New York, Julia transitioned her focus to circus performance attending professional circus school in France. Today, Julia works as both a painter and performer. She attempts to create a sense of intimacy between the artist and viewers through a physical manifestation of emotions. Today, her oil paintings combine a sense of movement and a deeply held experiences that are often difficult to put into words. As a surrealist figurative artist Julia takes from all aspects of her life and dreams to inform her painting. Using bold colors, Julia makes iconic paintings that explore complex emotions. Her paintings incorporate a mixture of freedom of movement, dreams, and precision meticulously detailed into the canvas. In today’s world, often society pushes people to fit in specific boxes to confirm to a vision of what we are supposed to be, Julia tries to break this mold by learning from all aspects of her life in an attempt to find something ‘true’. 


Here is my CV 


Currently an artist in residence at Gallery L'Etranger in Grenoble, France


Oil Painting



Au Fils Du Corps


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