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About Me


My Story

I am a 30 year old American artist living in France. I am good, strong and smart. I am human and I am trying. This is the story of me. 


When I was a kid I spent my time turning the whole world into my stage. I was always dressing up or dressing my friends up (I love a good costume box). Even just walking down the street I would imagine musicals or great acrobatic feats. When I wasn't getting my friends and family to watch my latest puppet show or 'clowning' act I was drawing. It was my happy place. Always needing to do something with my hands art has always been there for me.


I can be stubborn, and I don't like to do what everyone tells me I can or should do. I find my own path, so when someone tells me "no you cant do XYZ" my response is "watch me". It happened when they told me reading would always be hard because I am dyslexic (I love to read), when they said I couldn't take advanced psychology because I would fail and it would be too much work (I got an A), when they said I was too weak to be an aerialist (come watch me fly!) and they said it again when I stopped being a full time research scientist to be an artist. Oh yeah? Watch me.


Before now I was a well-being psychology researcher, investigating how to help others connect to themselves and find meaning in their lives. I realized from trying out my own studies that I was missing my own purpose in life. So I made a change.


What do I believe in? You. I believe in you and I believe in me. I believe I am enough. I believe in being authentically yourself and sharing that self with the world. I believe in caring for each other and the planet we live on.


What do I value? Authentic human connection, communication, openness and learning. I value you and what you bring to the world. I value the world its self. I value history, we need to understand where we came from to know where we are going. I value science and the scientific method. I value putting myself out there and seeing others do the same.


Why am I doing this? It feeds my soul. I want to empowers others to feel what it is like to be truly be themselves and say F** you to the system that says otherwise.


My purpose is to create beautiful empowering art that leads you to say if Julia can do it maybe I can too.


Why do I do this? Why do I show up? Because there were people in my life who showed up for me and made me feel like I am enough. I want to be that for others. I want to help people know that they are enough and they can do anything. If a little dyslexic girl who couldn't read can go on to run her own business and find joy in everything she does you can too.


This is where I tell you why I am qualified

I have an undergraduate degree in art (printmaking and drawing) from Sarah Lawrence College in New York. I completed a 2 year professional circus program at Vit'anim Ècole du Cirque in Grenoble, France. Finally, I have a masters degree in Public Mental health from Johns Hopkins University. I have over 20 years of experience in the fine arts and 10 years in circus.




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